🐣🚀 metaNest Update 🐣🚀️
As you know, our $BURD public sale has landed. the tudaBirds team first of all wants to thank our community and especially our investors: we have nothing but appreciation, respect and love for all of you. Like the bird training video attached, our plan has already been clear and has not changed; we work, we practice, we train, we fight and we fly.
As a reminder that tudaBirds isn’t just a website and some cute birds: we have a developed and working base infrastructure for game delivery on which we are already building. Our only aim is to deliver an RoI and entertaining fair play to our users!
🐣️ News Today: Binance Possibilities
We are excited to report that Binance noticed tudaBirds and reached out yesterday, late in the Public Sale: we have been invited to sign up as a Binance EcoSystem Partner, which can only be good for the project! Next Up in the metaNest.
️🐣 So, welcome to the metaNest. Let us take your coat while you check out this is overview on what we are doing as we go forward
1️⃣ Current Games: next few weeks:
Our first games are already in place with the nestBet solution behind the scenes, so the first order is to stick to our plan:
- TokenPuzzle will re-open with the chance to buy from the dedicated puzzle pot and win $BURD bonuses.
- Battle200X crypto challenge is running strong and will, over the next weeks open to $BURD play and more play types
- birdTris, our retro beak-to-beak game, will go live using $BURD
- along the way we are looking to deliver nestLotto (with recurring tickets and a rolling jackpot)
- and will provides updates on the menu of games coming down the line
2️⃣NFTs (in a few weeks)
Speaking of the tudaBirds, the NFT nestMint facility will open to offer the first two collections of our NFBs, followed by the Chief Bird Officer 3D NFTs & Phase 1 of the virtual real estate Game Room NFTs
3️⃣ 3 Networks and Partners (over the next several weeks)
Before the end of Q1 we will have beta plan to introduce and preview how our partners at Mazer Gaming will bring their streaming play — and their audience as our users for streaming play binary wagering.
We are also looking for fast delivery on our game dev Joint Venture partner to bring their back catalogue of mobile and web games into the metaNest as we work to our milestone first 100 games.
4️⃣ Big news you are hearing for the first time (and all planned by end of 2022)
Note 1: this is just an overview… details on the above — and what follows below — will be made in due course
Note 2: of course $BURD holders will collect revenue share benefits & Bonus token-back deals on NFT and other purchases!
- 4a Release of birdFarm, a secure, lucrative revenue share Farming mechanism for $BURD holders
- 4b Release the (already developed) BSC and Solana-based birdLaunch IDO curated launchpad developed by our Blockchain TechDev Joint Venture and working with our accredited Smart Contract audit and security partner
- 4c Will announce plans and timing to complete our four blockchain bridge and token base for users
- 4d Will announce plans and timing for the metaNest NFT Galleries and workshops — and the unique user NFT visualise, customise and re-mint Workshops
- 4e much much more to come!
🐣🐣 Thanks for being part of taking tudaBirds tudaMoon🐣🐣
🦅 team tudaBirds 🦅